Why does asthma make it hard to breathe?

  • August 28, 2015

Asthma is a chronic disease that can be life threatening. Unfortunately, there is no cure for asthma till date. The good news is that it is possible to manage asthma and live a normal life. For that you need to visit an asthma doctor for regular checkups and treatment. The more you follow the instructions of your doctor, the better you can manage asthma symptoms.

Learning More about Asthma

Asthma is a lung disease which makes it difficult for lungs to move air in and out. There are 4 things that you should learn about asthma:

  • Asthma is a lifelong disease
  • Asthma can be life threatening.
  • Asthma doesn’t have any cure till date.
  • It is possible to manage asthma symptoms and lead a healthy life.

Asthma can develop at any age. Some people develop asthma symptoms at very young age while some people can get asthma when they are older. Exact cause of asthma is still unknown. But factors like genetics, allergies, respiratory infections and environment can develop asthma symptoms.

Breathing problem in asthma

Much of the times, asthma patients have inflamed airways. The inflammation causes breathing troubles because of 3 reasons:

  • The airways linings get swelled inward, which narrow the inside space of airways.
  • The airway muscles get tightened and leave lesser space inside the airway. This muscle tightening is called bronchospasm or bronchoconstriction.
  • Airway produces more mucus which completely clogs the airways. A person has to make a lot of effort to breathe with the clogged airways.

Is asthma serious?

Yes, asthma is a serious health issue. Severe asthma attacks can give you horror movie sensation. An invisible force does not allow to breath. Its symptoms can put halt to every routine activity and an uncontrolled asthma attack can be life threatening.

If you are asthma patient, then you should take asthma symptoms seriously. Its symptoms can develop suddenly and become worse rapidly. Always take asthma medication regularly and visit asthma clinic for routine checkups and tests.

Important: This information does not replace the doctor’s advice. You should always consider taking your doctor’s advice before trying anything new. No one else can guide you better than your asthma doctor.